Toilet Paper Wedding Dress
Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

Toilet paper isn’t just great for getting a clean behind. They also make pretty great cheap, chic, toilet paper wedding dresses. That’s exactly why Charmin sponsored the Cheap Chic Weddings Toilet Paper Dress contest for 6 years, starting in 2010. Cheap Chic Weddings held its first contest in 2004. That means there have been 12 grand prize toilet paper dresses and 12 grand prize winners in those toilet paper dresses. Since 2010 however, every toilet paper dress was made entirely of Charmin Ultra Strong! Because what other toilet paper could be strong enough to construct a wedding dress? And not just any old wedding dress. A beautiful grand prize winning wedding dress!
Since Charmin got involved back in 2010, more than 1500 people have entered. That’s a lot of Charmin Ultra Strong dresses. In 2016, designers used anywhere from 6 rolls of Charmin to 74 rolls of Charmin. That’s more go’s in each dress than we care to count for.
The grand prize winner of the Cheap Chic Weddings Toilet Paper Dress contest rolls away with $10,000 dollars. The second and third prize winners roll away with $5,000 and $2,500 respectively. Each year, there is a “Fan Favorite” winner that is chosen. Now, that lucky person will receive a year-supply of Charmin Ultra Soft and Ultra Strong toilet paper. Talk about being extra prepared for when duty calls!
Ultra Strong dress, Ultra Strong walk.
This list includes winners from 2015 as well as 2014. All you have to do is take one look at these toilet paper dresses, and you’ll be amazed. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that these were actually made out of toilet paper. But then you remember it’s all Charmin Ultra Strong and it makes more sense.
Let’s take a look at some of the beautiful dresses made out of yours truly…